Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Figures in pastels

Using pastels is like playing golf: every time you pick them up , it's as though you have never used them before. Previous successes in the medium are irrelevant and unhelpful. Ask Tiger Woods.

This is why this blog is very helpful. I can put all images for a certain topic together in one space and compare the techniques, colours, strokes and effects. No two paintings are alike, yet I think I have my own style. 


This model is fabulous. She is fleshy, round and elegant with tiny hands and delicate ankles. I might use this sketch as a basis for an oil painting. I must remember to take my camera next time as the models usually allow you to take photos.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

A flavour of Spring

It's nearly exhibition time for the WAS and here are three of my paintings. All are done in acrylic. The lambs are about 8'' x 8'' and the woodland scene is about 12'' x 8''.

This one above has photographed badly: the colours are fresher.

This one has caught sunlight filtering through.

Let's see if any sell.