Monday, 24 November 2014

A delicate hand

Another pastel drawing from my Life Drawing class. 
Notice how I have edited out the rubbish bits.
I do like the hand and foot in this one and the leg foreshortening is convincing, I think.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Life Drawing in pastels

My favourite class bar none is Tuesday morning with Harriet Brittaine at South Hill Park.
It is a Life Drawing class tutored by a talented artist and cheery, organised teacher, who gives subtle but such helpful advice to us all.

This model is very, very slender.

I am using my pastels, which have remained untouched for years because I have little idea how to use them plus the fact that they are extremely messy and so I will not use them indoors at home. 

I am struggling along with them in my own untidy fashion. Some pastels are soft and dense and they almost melt onto the paper; others are square in cross section and are hard and make precise marks so there are a lot of effects to achieve.

I am loving it.