Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Pastel colours

Soft pastels are new terrain for me. 
I have only used them here because it was given as a bit of homework for a Life Drawing class: practice with colour on 3 dimensional objects before trying to portray the human figure in colour.

Our teacher is wonderful - a gifted artist, enthusiastic, inspiring and fun. Her work is dynamic and beautiful. 

Pastels, especially Unison, are just delicious.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Barkham view

For me, this is a massive painting to make: it measures 80 cms x 60 cms or, in intelligible terms, 
2ft 7 ins x 2ft.
This was the first stage - just a rough stab at getting the composition down and to cover up the huge expanse of white canvas.

This is where I am now. 
Elaine got me to reduce the foreground shadow area.
I am again using 3 colours plus white but Elaine mentioned using a dark orange on the foreground stems so I will bear that in mind.
I've left it for ages due to offstage events and a bug and I hope I made a note somewhere of the colours I used.

Somewhere in Venice

I was on one side of the water and this view was on the other. No idea where or what this area was called.
A watercolour.